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Great Auk

Alca impennis
A large flightless member of the puffin family. It used to be widespread throughout the higher northern latitudes. Its inability to fly left it vulnerable to predation by fishermen and sailors. Huge colonies of thousands of birds were decimated by egg collection and killing of adults for meat or feathers. The last pair were killed on Eldey island (near Iceland) on 3rd June 1844 by icelanders commisioned by specimen collectors.

A stuffed Great Auk

Great Auk swimming
Very nice picture of the Great Auk just swimming along....

Stuffed Auk in Iceland museum

Bronze statue of a great auk
To see the sculptors websitelook here

Walnut carving
To see the sculptors websitelook here

Spot the difference
This is a Razorbill (Alca torda). The closest surviving relative of the great auk.