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Some pictures taken from the American Museum of Natural History website

Pachyornis elephantopus
Assembled lower leg
Complete neck and head
Elephant bird (Aepyornis maximus) on the loose
Elephant bird and friend
This little guy is a solenodon. Only two species exist on Hispaniola and Cuba. They are very endangered due to introduced predators (rats etc.). They are one of the few poisonous mammals, other examples include the duck-billed platypus and some species of tree shrew. They use their toxic saliva to help kill their insect prey.
Barbary lion?
This lion was found in a travelling zoo in Africa and may be a Barbary lion. This subspecies of lion was thought to have died out. The distinctive traits of the species are/were dark black mane and ear tips and greater size than most other subspecies of lion.

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